
Sunday, 17 June 2012

Why do I want a dog!

I will soon be moving to the silicon valley and am pretty psyched about the experiences in store. Be it my quest to find that perfect abode or wanting to enroll myself for guitar lessons, salsa classes or the hidden butterfly in me planning to shine in the nightlife of the city, mind is glittering with excitement. But, most of all, I am riveted to the idea of getting a little dog.

I am no Paris Hilton desperate for a lap candy. So, I don’t want my ‘StudMax’ to be a shallow boy toy. Yeah right.. I named him that. His existence will have a deeper purpose in my life.
To begin with, I know he will take me for a walk daily thanks to his nature calls and my nature to stay in a hygienic house. I already see myself turning into a bundle of 50 pages from the current 100.
I will not have to push myself beyond the point where even Chicken Chilly starts to get on the nerves just because I don’t have the heart to waste it. I know there will be a man right next to me salivating for the chicken more than I ever do. So, overeating gets off the chart as well.

This sourpuss world must be wondering if my weight is all I worry about. It couldn’t be more wrong because I care about peace of mind too!

After a daylong bickering with computer, all I would want is a quiet evening with an understanding person, X and talk about trivial things, go for a walk, talk, eat panipuri and talk. Even before this hypothetical X comes to life, I know X will talk back, preach me. Somehow I will simply be shut up. Hopefully with an icecream. ;)
But, once I finish it off I will be reminded of how I just wanted someone to listen to my cribbing without being judgemental. ‘StudMax’ is the answer to this need of mine.    

Besides, I will be thrilled to improvise on my ‘Sad puppy face’, ‘Curious puppy eyes’ and ‘Innocent puppy look’ weapons under the master himself.  

Before anyone brands me sexist for overlooking a bitch for the aforesaid privileges, I hereby reveal that it is because I won’t let anyone replace the lovely bitches in my life. :D
             3 cheers to my powerpuff girls and my dog-of-the-hour, my ‘StudMax’! :D     

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